Sunday, September 2, 2012
New and Old
Monday, July 23, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Space Prison- Space Secretary
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

I was on a cruise and watched the musical Chicago. I found myself watching the actors shadows over the actual stage. The show was OK but it was missing something. All I have to say it's a tough crowd on cruise ships because people were walking out during the show. Towards the end a lot of people were walking out and you could see the actors watching everybody leave. I think if they had some lasers or a boob slip more people would have probably stayed.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Anime Los Angeles 2012
Its 8:45pm and I'm finally home. It was a long day but was definitely worth it. As usual at any cons I go to you'll find me at the panels soaking up knowledge on art, writing, and perhaps money making. Before I get into that I’ll talk a bit about the convention and my very brief experience walking around. Since I’m an insomniac I got up a little late on saturday and left around 11:20ish. I was dressed in my secret Metal Gear 3 attire which consisted of a green dress shirt, green cargo pants, and a grey thermal beneath the shirt. I’ll explain my secret cosplay techniques in a future blog.
One of my favorite “costumes” which I don’t think is a costume was a girl standing outside the hotel as I was leaving. Her threads we’re actually from a company names H.Naoto. It was professionally made so of course it fit really well. It’s definitely an attention grabber but I think she could pull it off walking around any normal day. Girls get away with a lot in fashion as if a guy were to wear something similar I think most people would look and say, “Look at this damn fool!” Which is something people commonly say about me.
Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu techniques!
The first panel I attended was a Japanese martial arts demonstration class taught by Adrian and Lyssa Kaehler. It was an interactive class so I joined in. I got paired up with what I thought was a frail dude. He ended up being a her... Thinking about it now she looked kind of like the guy from “Slingblade.” She stood like her pants were way too high and had sort of a hunch and under bite. Her brow seemed forever furled and made me slightly uneasy. I think I was able to make her laugh once while we practiced the techniques. Damn people lighten up! It was pretty basic stuff but it was interesting the different ways you can escape a hold. Next was the vocaloid panel.
What is vocaloid you ask? It is a program created by Yamaha in 2003 using sampled voices to create music. It’s now in its 3rd generation with a thriving community where people share their artistic creation. The dude doing the panel was in a fancy dress with a large festive bow and explained the vocaloid phenomenon.

I found this really interesting because a character was created named Hatsune Miku that exploded using this technology mixed with art, advertising, and luck. In other words people got paid $$$. One of the first songs that got the ball rolling was called “LeekSpin.” I forgot the exact history of how this song came to be but the leek became Miku’s personal “item.” Here’s the video and watch your ears!
Personally I don't quite see the appeal but just playing some of Miku's music had people moving in their seats. Homeboy giving the talk was shaking his stuff too. Miku is basically a complete virtual character but is looked at by her fans like a living pop star. But who's to say what's real and what's not? You can see concerts of her on Youtube with a huge audience going nuts. This is one of those things I wish I came up with like “Tatu” (What’s that right?) but really could I put something like that together? I'm curious to see the lasting appeal of this art.
Manga as High Art

The last panel I went to was the most interesting. It was called manga as high art. This panel really got me to think about what art is to me. Some of you may know I’m on an art quest and most likely it will never end so I hope it’s a worthwhile journey. I’ve been wrestling with the idea of emotion over design or maybe better put emotional design. This panel reconfirmed some ideas why some of the most popular have the simplest design.
The idea that the viewer can see themselves as that character has a larger appeal than a super detailed character. An example the speaker gave was the less detail there is in the characters face the more someone can see themselves as that character. Kind of like a masked hero. Beneath that mask could be any one of us. So how true is this? Ask yourself what makes your favorite character your favorite?
I know why these are my favorite.
If you ask me I wrote more words than I probably should have but this covers just about everything that transpired. I definitely had fun and the entire event was very interesting for a guy who likes his anime but will only take it so far. I met up with my nephew who was volunteering at the con and I regret not getting a photo with him in his costume. I was in such a hurry to get to the next panel I forgot. Sorry for not spending a little more time with you.
If you made it this far feel free to let me know if this blog was interesting or how I can improve on future blogs. This is the first one I've written and I'm sure it could use some improvements.
Next time I’ll walk the halls a little more and maybe get the guts to talk a little more. That wraps it up another con in the anals of time. Next up Wondercon!